Filipe Pfluck

Filipe Pfluck

Web Developer

I'm 19 yo and I live in Ivoti-RS, in Brazil. I'm a developer focused on Typescript, Node, React and React Native. I'm always looking forward to learn new things, so I don't mind learning other languages. Actually, I'm very interested in Python, Go, Rust and Elixir, and perhaps I'll learn them in the future. Besides web development, I'm a little curious about data science and game development, but I'm not focused in studying those for now. I'm a very logical person and I learn pretty quickly.

Want to talk to me? Send me a message on Discord

My History

2019 - 2021 · Instituto Ivoti

I attended highschool and a technical course in Instituto Ivoti. In the technical course I learned the basics of some programming languages such as C, Java and PHP. I also learned the basics of HTML, CSS and SQL. Besides programming, I took classes on hardware, networks and graphic softwares

2020 - currently · Rocketseat

During the technical course, I felt like what I was learning wasn't enough and wanted to reach the next level. So I decided to study on my own. Then, I found out Rocketseat, one of greatest brazilian programming schools. I participated in several events organized by them, such as "Omnistack week", "Next Level Week", and "DoWhile". I also enrolled in GoStack, a bootcamp where I studied Node, React and React Native. After I fdinished GoStack, I concluded the React section of the Ignite Bootcamp and I'm currently wathing the new classes from Ignite that are being Re-recorder.

2020 - 2021 · Hackatons

I participated in Megahack 3, organized by Shawee, and in Hackstation, organized by Rocketseat. In those Hackatons, I met new people, improved my team work, and experienced the process of having an idea and developing it in a short span of time. I'd say the greatest learning I had participating in hackatons is the importance of a scope.

2021 - 2022 · Vobi

My first job was at Vobi, a Startup which develop software for design and architecture offices. I started as an intern and worked full-time afterwards. At vobi, I worked with React and Node. My greatest learning at Vobi was descovering how the working environment works: I learned how to handle coworkers, learned abou agile work, I learned to receive demands and deal with deadlines. I also improved by a lot my skills with Git.

2022 - atualmente · Pato Academy

I'm enrolled in the cybersecurity course lectured by one of the greaters Hackers from Brazil, Gabriel Pato. My objective in this course is to improve my knowledge about informatics and to develop secure applications.

2022 · Hacktoberfest

In 2022 I participated in Hacktoberfest, where I could experience open source development. I made all the 4 requires PRs and could finish the challenge. It was overall a great experience.


Ignite Call
Ignite Call
Github Blog
Github Blog
Nlw Heat
Nlw Heat
Nlw Esports
Nlw Esports
Ignite Timer
Ignite Timer
Coffee Delivery
Coffee Delivery
Discord Clone
Discord Clone
Framer Motion Clone
Framer Motion Clone
Ignite Lab 2
Ignite Lab 2
Ignite Lab 4
Ignite Lab 4

Those are just a few of my projects. Want to see all of them? They are on myGithub



React is a library for developing reactive interfaces. It's the technology I'm most proficient at, and the one I've used the most in the last year. I know how to develop complete and componentized interfaces, make http requests, manage states, create and use hooks. I'm also knowledgeable about React's rendering cycle and know how to avoid certain bad practices that cause too many renders. I also master Next, a framework to use on top of React. It allows the use of SSR and SSG in React, and solves problems like SEO. In addition, I have some experience with several libraries, such as Styled Components, Stitches, Radix, Mantine, Framer Motion, React Hook Form, React Query, among others.


Node is a javascript runtime environment. Through it, I can develop REST APIs in typescript, using Express. I know how to deal with databases using ORMs like TypeORM, Prisma and Sequelize. I have some software design knowledge, like DDD and some SOLID principles. I can write tests. I already had a little contact with Nest, GraphQL and Kafka. While I'm capable of and don't mind being fullstack, today I have a bit of a preference for the frontend.

React NativeReact Native

React Native is a technology made to develop a single codebase for both Android and IOS, with a syntax very similar to that of React. I've created apps with and without Expo, and I'm familiar with several tools such as Styled Components and Moti.